Vertical Bars, 1990
72×72 acrylic on canvas
in the collection of Michael Eicke, Sag Harbor, NY
Orange Rectangle, 1990
72×72 acrylic on canvas
White Diamond, 1990
72×72 acrylic on canvas
in the collection of Michael Eicke, Sag Harbor, NY
Pyramid #1, 1990
72×72 acrylic on canvas
in the collection of Michael Eicke, Sag Harbor, NY
Rites of Passage
72×72 inch acrylic on canvas
in the collection of Linda Grybowski, Santa Barbara, CA (1985)
Diagonal Rectangles, 1985
72×72 inch acrylic on canvas
in the collection of Laurence Hauben
Santa Barbara, CA
Untitled, 2002
84×84 inch
acrylic on canvas
in the collection of Steve & Tracy Wells
Santa Barbara, California
acrylic on paper
paper size: 19×24 inch
image size: 12×12 inch
White Pyramid
acrylic on paper
paper size: 19×24 inch
image size: 12×12 inch
Darkness into Light, 1997
paper size: 19×24 inch
image size: 12×12 inch
acrylic & graphite on Bristol board
Vertical Rectangle
acrylic on paper
paper size: 19×24 inch
image size: 12×12 inch
Vertical Capsule
acrylic on paper
paper size: 19×24 inch
image size: 12×12 inch
The Creative
acrylic on paper
paper size: 19×24 inch
image size: 12×12 inch
Half Circle 2
acrylic on paper
paper size: 19×24 inch
image size: 12×12 inch
Quarter Circle #2
acrylic on paper
paper size: 19×24 inch
image size: 12×12 inch
Flying Saucer #3
acrylic on paper
paper size: 19×24 inch
image size: 12×12 inch
Flying Saucer #2
acrylic on paper
paper size: 19×24 inch
image size: 12×12 inch
Horizontal Capsule
acrylic on paper
paper size: 19×24 inch
image size: 12×12 inch
Flying Saucer #1
acrylic on paper
paper size: 19×24 inch
image size: 12×12 inch
Rubiks Cube for Reevie, 2014
acrylic on paper
paper size: 19×24 inch
image size: 12×12 inch
Star Gate, 1988
24×24 inch acrylic on wood panel
in the collection of Amelia Laurenson Dallenbach
Montecito, CA
acrylic on paper
paper size: 19×24 inch
image size: 12×12 inch
April 1986
*most of my artwork is available by commision any size
#172, 2010
9×12 inch
acrylic on paper
Shinto, December 2020
12x12x2.5 inch
acrylic on wood panel
commissioned by of John Lopuch
Shinto: A Japanese religion dating from the early 8th century and incorporating the worship of ancestors and nature spirits and a belief in sacred power (kami ) in both animate and inanimate things. It was the state religion of Japan until 1945. — Oxford Languages
Untitled, 1991
(3) 18×18 inch
acrylic on paper
in the collection of Ness Carroll
Untitled, 1989
•in the collection of David & Juila Tibma
Montecito, CA (1989)
3.5 x 9 feet acrylic on canvas triptych
•in the collection of Elaine LeVasseur
Santa Barbara, CA
18 x 46.5 inch acrylic on gessoed box
Georgia’s Xmas Present, 2014
18×48 inch acrylic on canvas
Untitled, July 26, 2014
34×48 inch
acrylic on canvas
The Blue is the great ocean.
The Yellow is our skies in peril.
The Red appears to be the devil incarnate;
although, it could be the Lord Jesus Christ in disguise…
The true dilemma of the ages…
Untitled #10, 1985
6×6 inch
acrylic on Strathmore Bristol board
48×48 inch
acrylic on canvas